Thursday, 25 October 2012

Off on my jollys :)

I'm off on my jolly's tomorrow for a week :) I won't have my laptop so I won't be posting until we get back on November 2nd.
I'll be taking pictures of my meals and will do my food diaries when I get back.

My next weigh in at Slimming World will be on November 7th and I plan to get my 2 stone award :)
If I can carry on doing as well as I have been, I might even get my 2 and half stone award!

We're off to Featherdown Farm in Cumbria and according to the weather forecast, it's going to rain for most of the week! I have visions of us freezing all week and spending time driving round just to get some warmth!

Anyway, I have a picnic to prepare so I'd best get off the laptop and into the kitchen!

October 25th Food Diary

2 slices brown bread - 1 HEB + 4.5 syns
Bacon and fried eggs - Free
Tomato ketchup - Free
Banana and shape yogurt - Free

Tikka mug shots - 1 syn
Kiwi and satsuma - Free
Shape yogurt - Free

Chicken - Free
Cabbage and carrots - Free
Mash with leeks - 2 syns (leeks cooked in light margarine)
Gravy - 5 syns

Sugar free jelly - Free
Tinned peaches - 2.5 syns

Black coffee with sweetener - Free
Banana - Free
Choc chip cake bar - 6 syns

Total syns = 19

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

October 24th Food Diary

Black coffee with sweetener for breakfast - Free

Left over pork curry and rice - Free
2 kiwi, 1 banana, 1 shape - Free

Satsuma - Free

Slimming world chips - Free
Home made burger - Free
Beans - Free
Worcester sauce - Free

Chocolate Mousse - 6 syns

Options hot chocolate - 2 syns
Choc chip cake bar - 6 syns
2 mini rolls - 8 syns
Shape yogurt - Free

Total syns = 22

I don't usually spend so many syns on cake but I thought I'd have a treat seeing as I lost another 4lb this week :)

Wednesday Weigh In - October 24th

Week 10 sees another 4lb loss and slimmer of the week

I am now 1lb off my 2 stone award! and next week we're on holiday so it's going to be 2 weeks before I get weighed again.
I'm not worried about our holiday at all because we're going 'glamping' and all the food we'll be eating is the same as what we have at home. I don't have to worry about fish and chips and candy floss like I would if we'd have gone to Butlins again.
I'm confident I'll have a loss when I next go back to class in 2 weeks :)

22/08/12 31 stone 1lb 435lb 197.3kg BMI = 77
29/08/12 30 st 9.5lb 429.5lb 194.8kg BMI = 76.1 - 5.5lb
05/09/12 30 st 9lb 429lb 194.5kg BMI = 76 - 0.5lb
12/09/12 30 st 5lb 425lb 192.7kg BMI = 75.3 - 4.0lb
19/09/12 30 st 3.5lb 423.5lb 192.0kg BMI = 75 - 1.5lb
26/09/12 29 st 13lb 419lb 190.0kg BMI = 74.2 - 4.5lb
03/10/12 29 st 12.5lb 418.5lb 189.8kg BMI = 74.1 - 0.5lb
10/10/12 29 st 10lb 416lb 188.6kg BMI = 73.7 - 2.5lb
17/10/12 29 st 6lb 412lb 186.8kg BMI = 73 - 4lb
24/10/12 29 st 2lb 408lb 185kg BMI = 72.3 - 4lb

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

October 23rd Food and Fitness Diary

2 slices brown bread - HEB + 4.5 syns
2 eggs - Free
Banana - Free
Orange - Free
Shape - Free
Black Coffee with sweetener - Free

Jacket potato - Free
Left over bolognese sauce - Free
Orange - Free
Black coffee with sweetener - Free

Pork Curry and rice - Free (I only ate half of this portion)

Choc ice - 7 syns

3 crispbreads - 3 syns
Cheese spread - HEA
Ham - Free
Shape - Free

Total Syns - 14.5

Fitness minutes - 10

Just watched 'My 600lb Life'

I'd not seen this programme before and started watching it at part 2 of Melissa's story.
It struck a chord with me when she said she thought that having surgery to remove the loose skin was going to be like a magic pill and instead hers turned into a nightmare with months in hospital.
In my mind, I also thought of surgery as an end to the process of losing all this weight and I'd suddenly look fabulous!

I now know it's not going to be like that and I have to get my mind used to that fact. It's not going to be like a magic wand being waved over me but what I'm going to tell myself, is that as long as I look good when I'm wearing clothes, it doesn't matter what I look like when they come off.

The only people who are going to see my naked body is me and Ant and he loves me as I am now so some loose skin is not going make him bat an eyelid. I'm totally confident in his love for me and his wonderful support is one thing I'm relying on to get me to through this journey.

I know I'm going to be left with loads of loose skin and I know I'm going to want my arms and stomach doing but I'm not going to let it get me down or rule my life. I'll concentrate on how much healthier I'll feel and everything I'll be able to do rather than on what I look like with some extra skin.
The programme has helped me get things into perspective and I feel a bit better about it all now. I'll admit, the loose skin I'm going to have has been playing on my mind a lot lately so it's been a good thing to confront instead of trying to ignore it and worrying about it when it happened.

Monday, 22 October 2012

October 22 Food and Fitness Diary

2 slices brown bread - 1 HEB + 4.5 syns
Bacon and fried egg - Free
Tomato ketchup - 1 syns
Black coffee with sweetener - Free
Shape - Free
Banana - Free

Jacket potato - Free
Cheese spread - HEA
Spaghetti - Free
Orange - Free

Spaghetti Bolognese - Free

2 snowballs - 9 syns

Options - 2 syns
Choc chip cake bar - 6 syns

Total syns = 22.5 syns

Fitness minutes - approx 20 minutes walking

Sunday, 21 October 2012

21 October Food Diary

Banana, pear, kiwi and orange - Free
2 shape yogurts - Free

New potatoes, tomato & cucumber - Free
Extra light mayo - 3 syns
Pork burgers - Free
Orange - Free

Bacon and mushroom risotto - Free

Creme Caramel - 5.5 syns
3 crispbreads - 3 syns
60g cheese spread - 5.5 syns
Ham - Free
Shape yogurt
Total syns = 17

Getting my head in the game

I joined a Facebook group for bloggers who want to get healthy and one of the lovely ladies has an excellent blog called Mummy Whisperer Blog.
On there, I found some posts to help with weight loss and I figured it would be a great idea to follow one of the exercises she has that helps you get in the right frame of mind for losing weight.

The post is called, Weight loss: Are you really up for it?

If you know me at all, you know I love list making so I couldn't resist this!

List 1
The People You Love (e.g. family, friends)

I've done this list but I'm only going to write my husband and kids on the blog because of privacy issue with other family members ;)
  • Ant
  • Aiden
  • Kaycee
  • Ella

List 2
What You Love Doing (e.g. playing with the kids)

  • Taking the kids for a walk in the woods
  • Gardening
  • Shopping!
  • Having a long soak in the bath
  • Theme parks
  • Swimming
  • Theatre

Why will getting HEALTHY, FIT and SLIMMER help all the people I love, and help me with all the things I love to do or have?

  • I'll be able to take the kids out more. At the moment I can't walk very far and I miss out on spending time with kids doing fun things because I have to keep resting.
  • I can't bend at the moment so I'm hoping losing the weight will take the strain off my back. I'd love to plant bedding plants every season but I've had to stick with low maintenance plants because I can't care for them and it's not fair to expect Ant to do the gardening when it's me who wants it doing.
  • I'd love to go shopping for an afternoon with my best friend, grabbing a coffee and some lunch before checking out loads of shops. I'd like to buy new clothes from a regular shop, not one for large women that cost twice as much.
  • I want to learn to drive. I haven't got the confidence to try at the moment. Having to walk into a room to take the theory test fills me with dread and to be honest, I don't think I'd be very safe driving at this size because I wouldn't fit behind the wheel comfortably and I have trouble twisting to see if anything is coming up behind me. I do love driving though and I think passing my test will be at the top of the list of things to do when I reach my target.
    I'd love to be able to visit my family in Derbyshire more often but at the moment I have to rely on Ant. He doesn't much care for the drive and he's always busy with work so I don't get to see them very often.
  • Being fitter and slimmer will mean I'm able to take the kids swimming. When we went to Butlins, the kids loved the swimming facilities but I didn't join in the fun because there was no way I was getting into a swimming costume at this size. I'd really love to have fun with them at the swimming baths.
  • Having a long soak in a bath that is comfortable will be heaven. I haven't been able to fit in our bath for a few years now and have to shower instead.
    Being able to sink into a nice, hot bubble bath will be a great reward for losing all this weight! And just to let my hubby know, I will expect him to run me a bath, light lots of candles all round the room and float rose petals in the water when I get to my target!!
  • Wearing shoes with a heel instead of flats all the time will exciting!
  • I'm looking forward to being able to wear my wedding and engagement rings again. Ant also bought me a lovely ring for Christmas a few years ago and I've not been able to wear that for about 2 years now so it'll be a happy day when I can get them all on again :)
  • This next part might be too yucky for some people so feel free to skip this bit!
    At the moment, with all the folds of skin rubbing against each other, I get a lot of skin irritation and infection. Under my stomach and boobs and behind my knees are the worst. The skin gets sore and infected regularly. I'll not be sad to see the back of that particular problem, let me tell you!
  • More room in bed for both me and Ant will be a luxury I'm not used to!
  • I'd love to go to the theatre more often. I really enjoy going but when we went to the Theatre Royal to see Mathew Bourne's Nutcracker, I couldn't fit in the seats.
    Even the ones they moved us too were too small although there was more leg room. It was a really uncomfortable couple of hours and I won't be going back until I know I can fit in the seats. Quite apart from being uncomfortable, I was really embarrassed.
  • Equally, I'd love to be able to go to the cinema more often but I haven't been for years because I couldn't face being embarrassed if I didn't fit in the seat.
  • Seats seem to be the topic in my mind at the moment because I'd also never go on an aeroplane for the same reason as the cinema and theatre. Although, Ant doesn't do flying so that will probably never be an issue but just in case it is, it would be nice to not have to worry about it!
  • I'd like to go to a parents evening or a play at my kid's schools without worrying that I'll embarrass my children. Ant does all the school things at the moment (I do go to Ella's sometimes but only because the younger kids aren't as cruel as junior or secondary school kids yet) because I'd be mortified if Aiden or Kaycee got bullied because of my size.
I'm sure there are loads more and I'll add to the list as I think of them but for now, all these things are really great incentives to carry on get to my target :)

Thanks Mummy Whisperer, this has really helped and will continue to help throughout my weight loss journey xx

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Oct 20th food diary

1 slice brown bread - HEB
40g cheese spread - 3.5 syns
Fromage Frais - 2.5 syns
Orange - Free
Coffee with sweetener and milk from HEA - Free

Fried potatoes - Free
Mushrooms - Free
Spaghetti - Free
Fried eggs - Free
Banana - Free
Shape - Free

Steak - Free
Broccoli and cauliflower - Free
Peas - Free
Roast new potatoes - Free
Mustard and mushroom sauce - 3 syns
Choc Ice - 7 syns
Snowball - 4.5 syns
Total syns = 20.5

Friday, 19 October 2012

October 19th Food Diary

2 slices brown bread - 1 HEB + 4.5 syns
Bacon - Free
Fried egg - Free
1 orange - Free
1 fromage frais - 2.5 syns
Brown sauce - 1 syn

Pasta n sauce - Free
2 satsumas - Free

Gammon and tomato pasta - Free

Rice pudding - 9 syns
Total syns = 17

Thursday, 18 October 2012

October 18th Food Diary

2 slices brown bread - 1 HEB + 4.5 syns
3 dairylea cheese triangles - HEA
Ham - Free
Coffee with sweetener and milk - 1 syn
Orange - Free
Fromage Frais - 2.5 syns

3 crackerbread - 3 syns
60g cheese spread - 5.5 syns
Ham - Free

Mashed potato mashed with milk from HEA and 1 raw egg - Free
Cabbage - Free
Minced beef with carrots and peas - Free
Gravy - 4 syns

60g ice cream - 5.5 syns
Pears - Free
Orange juice - 2.5 syns
Total syns = 28.5 syns

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

October 17th Food and Fitness Diary

No Breakfast
Jacket potato - Free
Tuna, cucumber, tomato, onion, extra light mayo, sweet pickle - 2 syns
Kiwi - Free
Orange - Free

Pork casserole - 2 syns
1 slice brown bread - HEB
Chocolate mousse - 6 syns
Options - 2 syns + milk from HEA
Choc chip cake bar - 6 syns
Fitness minutes today - 15
Total syns = 18

Weigh In Day Again!

Wednesdays seem to come round faster and faster!
I'm not complaining though, as I've said before, I enjoy going to group and today was no exception. We had a taster session and there were some delicious sweet and savoury dishes.

I'm going to be trying a quiche that had a couscous base instead of a pastry one. I'd never tried couscous before and I was surprised to find that I loved it!

Anyway, back on track.....I lost 4lb this week :D

I got my 1 and a half stone award

as well as slimmer of the week...

and I won the raffle!

I won the ingredients for a curry cake; I'll share the recipe once I've made it :)

I bought the new magazine which happened to be the 100th issue and comes with a 2013 calendar that includes a recipe for each month.

I also paid for a 12 week countdown course. Seeing as I'm going to be going to slimming world for, well, forever! I thought it made sense to pay up front and receive 12 weeks for the price of 10. At the moment, if you pay for a countdown course, you get the new little book of sauces for free :)

I've had a really lovely morning at group today and as always, I'm already looking forward to next week!

22/08/12 31 stone 1lb 435lb 197.3kg BMI = 77
29/08/12 30 st 9.5lb 429.5lb 194.8kg BMI = 76.1 - 5.5lb
05/09/12 30 st 9lb 429lb 194.5kg BMI = 76 - 0.5lb
12/09/12 30 st 5lb 425lb 192.7kg BMI = 75.3 - 4.0lb
19/09/12 30 st 3.5lb 423.5lb 192.0kg BMI = 75 - 1.5lb
26/09/12 29 st 13lb 419lb 190.0kg BMI = 74.2 - 4.5lb
03/10/12 29 st 12.5lb 418.5lb 189.8kg BMI = 74.1 - 0.5lb
10/10/12 29 st 10lb 416lb 188.6kg BMI = 73.7 - 2.5lb
17/10/12 29 st 6lb 412lb 186.8kg BMI = 73 - 4lb